Kapitualtion? Nein, Danke!
Shadows of EU Politics: Capitulations – effective colonial methods
It is only thanks to the recent immigration ‘crisis’ that we can fully understand what are the real intentions of European Commission and its commissars. At this stage I would skip the EU Parliament because this is just a forum which role is to certify that freedom of opinion in the EU still exist.
Recent excesses of the German, and other European media (the echo of the German one), are really eye-opening. This time these are direct attacks at the last existent sovereign states of Europe that defend they natural right to remain, more or less, homogeneous in their ethnic composition [More or less, because no one really is]. The threats are becoming deadly serious – “accept immigration quota or out of Europe”. It is a pleasant surprise that the pressure on Poland in the form of Article 7 has been recently even refuted by Poland’s southern neighbour, the Czech Republic. Indeed, it becomes more and more obvious that the current war with Poland is only a foreplay to what is going to happen later. Poland, Hungary or the Baltic Republics are just the testing ground for the former colonial powers, which have great traditions of swindling out other countries’ wealth. Therefore, it comes as completely logic that the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban uses right arguments when it comes to dealing with immigration issues – Hungary had never had any colonies in the past, so there is no reason that it should be penalised for the past and present failure of France, Britain, Germany, Russia, Holland, Belgium or other colonisers of Africa, Asia and the Americas. Now, when the wind of history has turned back, it is time to receive pay-cheque and take the former colonial subjects home. After all, the French Algerian or Anglo-Indian has a full right to call his home, home.
If someone still doesn’t get why Poland cannot have a good press in the West than I have to say that this is because Poland (under current circumstances) is doing very well: economy is growing, foreign contracts are in abundance, social services are being improved, arts are going back to normal, law is being repaired, Polish history and language come back to full life.
And here I will need to make a jump back into 19th century and the first decades of 20th century, and to concentrate on the issue that some authors call catastrophe in the Mediterranean See. These were times, as they are today, of capitulations. A capitulation (from Lat. caput) is a treaty or unilateral contract by which a sovereign state relinquishes jurisdiction within its borders over the subjects of a foreign state. I think that the Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Croats, Lithuanians and other ‘minor’ nations know what that means. In fact, Poland wasn’t even minor country, but large Commonwealth when by force foreign states took power over its borders and subjects. Nobody wants to talk about it anymore. But, we might ask ourselves: how is it possible that a huge state located in the very center of Europe is dismembered and there is no major protest across European spectrum of political power.
It seems, however, that in those days, as it is today, the naked power and violence decided about everything. But, coming back to the definition of capitulations, the capitulations were giving foreign subjects complete immunity, for most civil and criminal purposes, from actions by courts and other governmental institutions in the state that makes the capitulation. Naturally, the Poles understand it very well.But, another country that had very similar experiences with Poland, and on much grander scale was her former enemy the Ottoman Turkey. So, let me please give you some examples of ‘good behavior’ that could earn the colonized good press and ‘friendship’ of the oppressors. There was a place in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth called Balta. In fact, it originally it was a divided town between the Crown and Moldavia, the Polish side was called Jozefow, but after partitions, the Russians re-united it and called it Balta. Nice, exotic, semi-oriental place painted by Juliusz Kossak and Jozef Brandt. In 1838 in the same spot the United Kingdom had imposed trade policies upon the Ottoman Empire, (known as Treaty of Balta Limani), which even today is described as ‘most liberal, , open market, bla bla’, but in fact the Ottoman Empire was forced to abolish all monopolies and allow British merchants and their collaborators to have full access to all Ottoman markets and with the right for being taxed equally to local merchants. Naturally, there was nothing ‘liberal” or ‘free’ about this arrangement, as The United Kingdom still employed protectionist policies on their agricultural markets. I don’t have to keep it as a secret that the next day all British newspapers published articles reassuring British subjects of Turkish-British relations as being cordial and beneficial to both sides. The Turks though saw it as humiliation. [Since then, the British were smart enough to pull out from the EU, knowing that under European law there was no chance to stop this invasion that not even the Great Britain, great colonial power, could handle anymore]. In fact, there is something very sober in politics of today’s Turkey under Erdogan, which balancing between East and West, knows what it wants.Turkey has learned from her colonial past. Naturally, the Western powers acted as ‘protectors’ of Christian minorities, but in real fact everything was focused on economic gain: by dismembering the Ottoman empire the Western powers gained control over Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon, Palestine and many others. I am giving here an example of Islamic state, which in modern times managed finally to create some quality state, something removed far from the mess of the so called Middle East. The tragedy in the Mediterranean, the colonization of numerous Arab states had given us an immigration disaster that the EU now wants to put on our (non-colonial) shoulders. In real fact, in ‘democratic’ Europe, as we have it today, we should allow our ‘partners’ a free go to establish Caliphate, if they wish to do so.
There is one conclusion that we have to draw from capitulations; it is clear that in the Western colonial doctrine there is no sentiments but only good business. We can imagine that Poland could also have a great press if for instance Radek Sikorski took a steer of foreign policies into his hands and opened three western regions of Poland to unlimited Islamic immigration and also ordered from Macron 100 cold-war era helicopters. I can already imagine a red, happy face of Martin Schulz. I am not making jokes here, because Sikorski had already been Poland’s foreign minister and a German Green Party member had already suggested sending some ‘victims’ of Near Eastern immigration ‘crisis’ to Polish villages, cities and towns. Like the Turks, we also had our capitulations: partitions, forced trade treaties of Great Britain with Congress Kingdom, the Treaty of Riga, Treaty of Yalta, and so on. Historia magistra vitae est, it is time to learn something from our past humiliations.
What the EU wants from Poland now is a new election that will bring back a loyalist parties that would allow for dismembering Polish institutions, open Polish borders to new disputes, impose trade treaties that would disadvantage our economy and further their own, inflict on Poland further emmigration of talented individuals, impose thorough ethnic reshuffle by bringing millions of foreign settlers, implement total laicization of public life by banning Roman Catholicism and changing churches into boutique-style residences, shops or bedrooms for immigrants [Don’t believe me? Go to Melbourne, Australia]. For now, we have government in Poland, maybe not the best, but capable of keeping jurisdiction over our borders and also thinking about Poles living abroad. What the EU wants from us is to relinquish this jurisdiction and install in Poland a lenient, illusory government, which will pretend (for some time) to be Polish in our name, and until further notice.
These thoughts (sober thoughts!!) are to all these peoples who miss their country in their own home. Yes, also the French who are afraid to go out for an evening stroll, or the Italians who are not sure anymore on which continent Italy is situated, not to mention all other ‘improper’ nations that are not part of the Club of the Chosen Few (Do they call Europe of different speeds?).
Aha, the Germans invented recently a new way out from their historical dilemma - the payment of war reparations would be complicated because there would be difficult to shift this responsibility to the Turkish or Sudanese Germans, who are victims themselves, and they have nothing to do with 1939-1945 atrocities in Poland. In this was they WWII problems should come to the closure. We are all “brothers’ inhabiting the very same Happyland, there is no reason to think differently. The offenders will be prosecuted and persecuted, the high punishment will be imposed.
Heil for this time.
Kapitualtion? Nein, Danke!
Dr Zygmunt Jasłowski
Nawiąż kontakt, larum grają

Polski nie podaruje Polakom nikt inny - jeśli sami się o Nią nie upomną. Tymczasem polscy rycerze śpią nie tylko pod Giewontem. Czas, by się pobudzili jak kraj długi i szeroki. Czas, by lepiej przypomnieli sobie, kim naprawdę są, kim bywali w historii i kim być mogą - jeśli odzyskają swoją dziejową formę.
Na 1050. rocznicę Chrztu Polski wszędzie tam podjąć należy program pracy organicznej: KOŚCIÓŁ, SZKOŁA, STRZELNICA. To właśnie misja budzących się rycerzy: pomóc rodakom odzyskać dumę z polskiej cywilizacji, której specjalnością i "towarem eksportowym" była przez wieki wolność.
Grzegorz Braun